Say "We Miss You" To Win Back Past Participants This Valentine’s Day
Setup an account in minutes, its 100% free to get started
Gain meaningful and easy to understand insights into your participants. Use that understanding to create targeted email and social media marketing campaigns that increase loyalty and direct engagement with your brand and events.
Get setup in minutes
Access pre-built reports and insights specifically created for sports event organisers. Use your insights to create targeted email and social media marketing activities
Use the power of analytics to identify red hot opportunities to up-sell and cross-sell events to individuals or groups
Make data driven decisions to maximise marketing and business decisions to increase revenue
Gain a deeper understanding of your customers, feedback and finances so you can focus more on what counts
Enabling you to review all of your participant data to gain a 360-degree view of a participant or a group across all of your events. A single view across registrations, customer support, results and marketing will improve your ability to deliver an improved customer experience
Eventrac helps you build a following and establish your customer base. Going beyond just event registration, enable user profiles to unlock the power of your own CRM to bring real value and opportunity to your business.
Attracting a new participant is hugely expensive compared to retaining an existing customer. Knowing your past participants and rewarding them for loyalty will increase retention and encourage a loyal following. Assess your year-over-year loyalty with our retention tools
Build a loyal following of customers, track trends and reduce engagement costs with our simple to use marketing tools
Gain better insights into your customers' behaviour. When do people signup, what is the drop-off rate and who never came back?
Gain insights into your most valuable customers and reward loyalty with automatic discounts + many more possibilities
Use the data, insights and feedback to help better understand your events' strengths and weaknesses to ultimately sell more tickets
Ready to get started?
We have easy to use migration tools and a great team of experts that will assist with your Eventrac account setup and help transfer all of your existing event data.
Eventrac has been designed from the ground up to be intuitive and easy to use, but one of our experts is always on hand to walk through and discuss the Eventrac platform, share industry tips, tricks and insights. We offer far more than just a software platform.