Torbay Triathlon Relay Autumn

Next Race: 04/10/2025

Torbay Velopark

Klarna is now enabled for all our events. Fill in the registration form and then click the dark blue 'Pay in Full' button. On the next screen select 'Pay another Way' & you'll see the Klarna option.

If you're buying a British Triathlon Race Pass!
Unfortunately Klarna does not work for bookings where you are also buying a British Triathlon Race Pass. This is because the funds for Race Passes go straight to British Triathlon. In this instance please answer YES in the 'I am a BTF member' box & type KLARNA in as the licence number. You can then complete your booking with KLARNA.

After you've booked you can add one or more Racepasses to your bookings. You can view your bookings (via the link in your confirmation email). You then click to 'Add items to booking', then select and pay for the race pass to link it to the correct triathlon booking.

The detailed race information including maps, details on parking, registration, baggage and start times will be e-mailed out to participants the Tuesday before the event. This sometimes ends up in junk mail so please keep an eye out for it! You can also find it on the relevant event page under Race Manual. See full list of events here

We allow ebikes at all our cycling events, except for the Exeter Gravel Races which are classified as races under British Cycling rules. ebikes are also allowed at all our triathlon and aquabike events as we are keen to make our events as inclusive as possible. We just ask you to let us know that you are riding an ebike.
The best way is to click the link in the confirmation email you received. There are then options to 'add items to booking' or to change your booking.

We’re doing our best to minimise our environmental impact. and use of single use plastics. Initiatives include encouraging people to bring their own cups, offering tree planting as an alternative to tshirts, using only reusable zip ties & giving discounts to participants who make their way to events on foot, bike or public transport.  Read the Sustainability & Reducing Plastics Use article on our website for the full programme,

We now have a loyalty points system at Sportiva Events to reward people who take part in lots of our events. You accrue a point for each £1 you spend on events with us. Points can be swapped for Event Gift Vouchers at any time as follows

100 points    £10
150 points       £20
250 points       £35
350 points       £50
400 points       £60

We also have double points on selected events. Unless otherwise stated points are turned off two or three weeks before the event date to encourage people to enter in good time. More details here

The exchange zone will be a fenced off area on the grass just outside the pool. This is so team members have only a very short distance to run before they start their swim. It will also be a good spot for spectators.

Race manual are now on the individual event pages. Please note that Race Manuals may be updated until the week before the event. See our full list of events here


Headphones are not allowed at any of our triathlons or duathlons. You can search the full British Triathlon Competition Rules here

Yes, we normally have age group prizes for veteran categories in ten year bands. We'll award a prize to any age group that has at least three entries, three weeks before the event, when we order our trophies & prizes.

We operate a one prize per person rule so if the first overall finisher is a vet he/she will only receive the overall prize and the 1st vet prize will go to the first eligible vet.