The Martian Race

Next Race: 22/06/2025

Horsell Common, Surrey

Overall Rating

4.8/ 5

179 reviews
Would you recommend it to others? Yes
How did you rate the scenery? 5/5
How did you rate the atmosphere? 5/5
How did you rate the organisation? 5/5
Do you think this was friendly to beginners? Yes

Suzannne Raffle

Well organised event

some km/mile markers would be great next time

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Louise Dendle

Very friendly local event, real community feel

Distance wasn't 21km! It was sustained under 20km

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023

Brilliantly Run & Beautiful Course

I did this event last year and will continue to run it for many years as it is so well run, so friendly and the course is amazing. So many different challenging surfaces and perfect training preparation for any furute longer trail events. And the photos are included too, which is fab. The parking was very well organised and plenty of volunteers to help direct you. I guess the only thing that would be good is to have a drink sponsor at the end to hand out electrolyte drinks especially in that heat and maybe some haribos or bananas. This is more a suggestion for the half marathoners and possibly the 10k runners. Also to make it clearer where to line up to get your race bib. Some people were a little confused which queue was which. These are not negatives just nearly observations and recommendationsand by no means does it take anything away from what an amazing event it was for such a great cause. One more thing, when you announce the 2024 event, it maybe an idea to ask people to get involved with designing the medal so it gives more of a sense of involvement of the event and the person who's design is chosen can have a mention on the day. There seemed a lot more people than there was last year, which is great. It means its gaining traction and interest. Looking forward to next year's event already.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Caterina Minelli

Great atmosphere, fantastic location, possibly some more "village" for last comers and accompanying people

It was extremely hot, maybe it would be good to recommend runners to bring their own bottle that they can refill at the stations. One or two glasses of waters (x4) were not enough to keep hydrated.
I loved children received a proper medal, that made my son's day!
It may have been nice to have more cheering along the way, I found myself running (the half marathon) on my on most of the time and the heat made it really hard. All in all, I think it was a fantastic event for a great cause and I will be looking at participating again, but maybe not in the summer... Thanks!

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Linda Hadden

Well organised. Interesting route fairly level enjoyable run.

Definitely better parking at McLaren and metal medals much better than wooden

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Steve Sullivan

Great event and well organised.

Distance markers would good as I didn't see any on the 10k run.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Jane Della Maestra

There were plenty of marshalls offering encouragement which was much needed! Everyone was friendly and helpful and the course was well marked out.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023

Crisply organised

Huge queue for the toilets

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Benjamin McCann

Simply fabulous

Great off road 10Km route which was very well sign posted. Super helpful organisation staff. Friendly bunch of people running. Only EBI is that I could have done with more water at the finish!

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Abigail Legge

Lonely event which was well organised. More catering would have been great to reduce queues

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Peter Holcroft

A well organised event

You had lots of volunteers at each corner which was fantastic and really helps.
Unfortunately near the end around 7.5k, there was a double corner, turn right, then a Y junction where you turn left. The volunteer was at the first corner and there was no signage to say turn left at the second calender, so I went the wrong way following some other runners (not in the event).
So great job with the volunteers, but maybe put two on junctions like that, or more signage.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023

Really well organised event and lots of happy, supportive marshalls on the course

Not a big issue but some of the front 10k runners got stuck behind the 21k runners in the woodland area where the path is a bit narrower. People were sporting in letting others pass but it did affect momentum and flow!

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Aminata Maruziva

Very well organised with nice atmosphere

It would have been helpful to have the sign of km left on the course to help runners during the race.
Marshall didn't know distance left when asked on the course.
But well indicated otherwise.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Alexandra Szabo-Rowe

Well organised, very friendly people - a great event!

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Anna Bartholomew

Lovely race, I just wish it started at 8am, it always seems to be on the hottest day of the year!

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Corinne Manzatucci


The atmosphere was excellent, and the organisation, including voluntary marshalls were amazing.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Emma Knight

Lovely race for people of all ages.

I would have like some km markers, although appreciate this would be difficult with all the different distances.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Gary Cooles

Great event, great organisation and well organised - especially the easy parking!

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Cara Keelaghan

Great organisation. Safe space for family with kids of all ages.

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023
Zoe Tidd

From the first time I run this , the improvements have been excellent. First time I got lost ! Today excellent signage and plenty of marshals .

Well done , throughly enjoyable, friendly event. The parking in McLarens ‘ was fantastic

Reviewed using Eventrac, Jun 2023