Setting a Cancellation Policy

27 Nov, 2019 02:07 By: Nikki Hawkes

If you have a cancellation policy for your event, which is up to your discretion and not compulsory to be displayed, you can add it to your eventrac platform. Follow these steps to add your own cancellation policy. 

Step 1: Select ‘Cancellation Policies’

On the right hand side of your dashboard, click on the ‘Event Options drop down which will show you the cancellation policy button.

Step 2: Add Cancellation Policy

Step 3: Setting your Timeframes

Here you can decide what rules you want to give your cancellation policy, including deduction percentages.

Step 4: Adding Rules

To add more time frames, click the blue button on the right, which will make another row appear where you can add another rule to your cancellation policy. This might be useful if you want to allow different ‘money-back’ schemes at different intervals.

Edit or delete your cancellation policy

Once you’ve clicked the green submit button, as shown above, to save your cancellation policy, you can edit or delete it by clicking the blue and red ‘Manage’ and ‘Delete’ buttons on the right-hand side of your policy. 







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