Adding another admin to your account

27 Nov, 2019 01:52 By: Nikki Hawkes

With more than one person working on an event, and several employees responsible for different events, having access for multiple admins on your Eventrac account is made simple. Follow the steps below to add access to 

Step 1: Click on ‘Account and Users’ then go to ‘Account Admins’

To get here, scroll down on the left-hand sidebar of your Eventrac account. 

Step 2: Click on Add Admin and fill in their details 

Here you can add a message to the admin you are adding, which they will receive as part of the email notification from your admin add. 

Click submit when you are done! 

How to edit Admin Permissions:

Go to the ‘Permissions’ tab within the Accounts section and click ‘edit’

Here you can select the control levels you are happy to give other admins. 

By scrolling down you can see the sections where you can control access. Here you can give full access to some sections and restrict access in others. 

Click submit at the bottom of the page when you’re done to save your changes. 



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